WHO is Stanley Morgan?


Author? Genius? Dirty Old Bloke? Serious Novellist? Stanley is ALL these things and more.


In the 1970's he wrote a series of books detailing the adventures of a happy-go-lucky ladies man, the name of RUSS TOBIN. He also gave us a trilogy based around a dodgy Airline, and somewhere along the way found time to write a couple of serious adventure books, a handful of sex-comedies and later on towards the 1980's some VERY serious NOVELS which somehow eluded critical acclaim and are as a result, devilishly hard to come by.


His Tobin novels and others were available at the time in Airport departure lounges and the like - easy-going hilarious reading for long boring journeys. Now in the 1990's these works of GENIUS can only be located through charity shops, car-boot sales and house clearances. We do not have a full collection of MORGAN's but those we do have are painstakingly detailed in the Bibliography section. Where a MORGAN exists that we have never located - as much info as possible is given in the hope that some benevolent soul may find a copy and forward it to us.


One theme runs throughout his many books however. They are all FULL OF SHAGGING


WHAT do we know of Stanley Morgan?


Very little is known of the man himself. It would be easy to suggest that Russ Tobin is Stan's alter ego but that would just be a product of lazy research. It would be just as easy to suggest that Stanley based his Flyboys series around his own life - but as far as we know - Stanley Morgan never had a pilot's license nor did he own an airline. Of course we could be VERY wrong.


We have fruitlessly tried to track down the man through publishers, agents and even the Internet. As far as we know - this is the only STANLEY MORGAN internet site in existence. If you know otherwise - let us know.


Similarly - if you know where Stanley is or even if he is dead or alive - don't hesitate to mail the Stanley Morgan Hotline


[email protected]